Actions Triggers: custom-phone-provider Event Object

The event object for the custom-phone-provider Actions trigger provides contextual information about the request for sending and receiving a custom phone message.

Property Description


Information about the Client with which this login transaction was initiated.

Includes the following properties:

  • client_id String. The client ID of the application the user is logging in to.
  • metadata Dictionary. An object for holding other application properties.
  • name String. The name of the application (as defined in the Dashboard).



Details about the Connection that was used to authenticate the user.

Includes the following properties:

  • id String. The connection's unique identifier.
  • metadata Optional dictionary. Metadata associated with the connection.
  • name String. The name of the connection used to authenticate the user (such as twitter or some-g-suite-domain).
  • strategy String. The type of connection. For social connections, event.connection.strategy === For enterprise connections, the strategy is waad (Windows Azure AD), ad (Active Directory/LDAP), auth0 (database connections), and so on.


Includes the following properties:

  • from String. The E.164 compliant phone number for the sender.
  • locale String. The locale we rendered the message in, for example en_US, as defined in the BCP-47 specification.
  • message_type String.

    The type of message that is being sent, like otp_verify or blocked_account.

    Possible values include:

    • otp_verify
    • otp_enroll
    • blocked_account
    • change_password
    • password_breach
  • recipient String. The E.164 compliant phone number for the recipient.
  • delivery_method Enum. The way the message should be delivered. Could be text or voice.
  • code String. The One-Time Password for some message_types (e.g. otp_verify, otp_enroll).
  • as_text String. The rendered text ready to be delivered as a text message.
  • as_voice String. The rendered text ready to be delivered as a voice text message.



Details about the Organization associated with the current transaction.

Includes the following properties:

  • display_name String. The friendly name of the Organization.
  • id String. The Organization identifier.
  • metadata Dictionary. Metadata associated with the Organization.
  • name String. The name of the Organization.



Includes the following properties:

  • geoip Optional object.

    Includes the following properties:

    • countryCode Optional string.
  • ip Optional string. The originating IP address of the request.
  • user_agent Optional string. The value of the User-Agent header received when initiating the transaction.


Includes the following properties:

  • friendly_name Optional string. The friendly name for the tenant, usually a more human-readable version of the ID.
  • home_url Optional string. The home URL for the tenant, if defined and as found in its settings.
  • id String. The name of the tenant.
  • logo_url Optional string. The logo URL for the tenant, if defined and as found in its settings.
  • support_email Optional string. The email to the tenant's support service, if defined and as found in its settings.
  • support_url Optional string. The url to the tenant's support service, if defined and as found in its settings.


An object describing the user on whose behalf the current transaction was initiated.

Includes the following properties:

  • app_metadata Dictionary. Custom fields that store information about a user that influences the user's access, such as support plan, security roles, or access control groups.
  • email Optional string. (unique) User's email address.
  • email_verified Boolean. Indicates whether the user has verified their email address.
  • family_name Optional string. User's family name.
  • given_name Optional string. User's given name.
  • name Optional string. User's full name.
  • nickname Optional string. User's nickname.
  • picture Optional string. URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
  • user_id String. (unique) User's unique identifier.
  • user_metadata Dictionary. Custom fields that store information about a user that does not impact what they can or cannot access, such as work address, home address, or user preferences.
  • username Optional string. (unique) User's username.